Entheogenic brewing ritual

  • 130.00 NIS
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I am happy to offer you a class on making a ritual ointment with entheogens during a sunny Shabbat hour:
Here are some words I wrote on the subject
It turns out that witchcraft cannot escape from everyday trends.
Witchcraft is often presented to us as a measurable, systemic way with limited human intervention.
Scholars and practitioners of magic often find themselves forced to choose between academic or esoteric discourse, as both sides of the story are often presented as an eternal debate that cannot be settled. Also, the theories do not seem to add up when we combine the conclusions reached through anthropology, history and folklore.
Something is always missing, especially something that connects this path to something older, more primitive, something that resonates with our intuition.
This inexplicable feeling of incompleteness is more apparent when we focus on a particular offset of a spell. That is, in the process of preparing the aviation oil/witches ointment.
The mixture used by certain people for nocturnal astral travel and transfiguration.
The anointing is, at least seemingly, devoid of any reasonable explanation, and forces us to choose a side (religious approach, scientific approach, historical approach or esoteric approach).
There are as many theories about the witches ointment as there are people who have talked or are talking about it.
I believe that what makes it difficult for us to understand the concept of flying and also what is really difficult to understand is what "end riding" or mental flying is about, which are the limitations of the discipline in which we choose to act when we enter this path/journey.
The biggest problem we face when we try to understand witchcraft is on the one hand that the subject is not viewed holistically, and on the other hand, the craft is often presented as separate from the mystery of "edge riding" and primitive witchcraft.
We try to limit the anointing to mythology, science and folk belief, while perhaps what we should do is try to understand the anointing from a mystical point of view, as an integral part of initiation or a rite of passage.
This is the reason I decide to offer a frontal workshop of aviation paste. To present the salve as a key to the path of "riding the edge" and my sorcerer's craft, in its most primitive aspect, as a potential mystery that the witch and sorcerer can incorporate into their personal practice.
So what will you learn in the workshop with me?
It turns out that witchcraft or magic cannot escape from everyday trends.
Sorcery is often presented as a measurable resection limited to human intervention.
Many scholars and practitioners of Ma find themselves forced to choose between academic or esoteric discourse, as two sides of stories often appear as an eternal debate that cannot be settled. Also, this thing seems to end when we combine the conclusions reached through anthropology, history and folklore.
I am always missing something, especially something that connects this path to something older, more primitive, something that resonates with our intuition.
This inexplicable absolute of imperfection, much more when we work in it has a great number of fun. That is, the preparation of the aviation oil/witches' potion.
The mixture is used by people for night astral travel and transfiguration.
The anointing lacks, at least more, any reasonable explanation, and advises us to choose a side (religious approach, scientific approach, the historical approach or the esoteric approach).
There are as many theories about the witches ointment as there are people who have talked or are talking about it.
I believe that what makes it difficult for us to understand the concept of flying paste and also what is really difficult to understand is what "extreme riding" or mental flying is about, which are the limitations of the meaning in which we operate when we enter this path/journey.
The biggest problem we face when we try to understand the witches' salve is that on the one hand the subject is not viewed holistically, and on the other hand, the salve is often presented as separate from the "edge riding" mystery and primitive witchcraft.
We try to limit the anointing to mythology, science and folk belief, whereas perhaps what we should do is try to understand the anointing from a mystical point of view, an integral part of initiation or ritual to continue.
Why do I decide to offer a face-to-face workshop of a flight attendant. To offer the salve as a key to the path of "riding the edge" and my sorcerer's craft, in its most primitive aspect, as a potential mystery that the witch and sorcerer can incorporate into their personal practice.
So what will you learn in the workshop with me?
In a face-to-face meeting, we meet for 3 hours of practical brewing.
I start by making preliminary acquaintances with the plants and extracts with which I work, apothecary, grow and keep in the plant cabinet or in my garden. Together we will brew about three entheogenic concoctions that are customized to the esoteric path you are walking. The concoctions you will prepare of your choice [depending on the plants you choose] will be things along the lines of aviation oils or landing oils, it also depends on the movement you are looking to introduce, ointments \ herbal liqueur \ incense and a botanical talisman with a seal that roots the purpose of the talisman in it, botanical pigments or tinctures.
In a digital session, I mainly convey technical information regarding ethnobotanical decoction and the nature of poisonous plants from my experiences with them, and also a huge emphasis on careful concocting and growing a poison garden and connecting to the spirit of the plant.
A digital meeting costs NIS 130 and lasts about an hour and a quarter, come with a notebook because I will fill you with information and possible recipes.
A face-to-face meeting costs NIS 400 + 3 concoctions + a small notebook that I will bring for you to write down the recipes you will make here and a host of other botanical surprises.