Bobinsana - Calliandra angustifolia
Posted by entheogenic paths on
Belongs to the mimosa family
Calliandra angustifolia also known as Bobinsana\Sirenita\Doctorsita Bobinsana, is a shrubby tree
Usually grows along the banks of rivers and streams. It is a wonderfully green plant that can reach up to 6 meters in height. It is quite easy to get confused in identifying the plant due to the pink flower reminiscent of the Albizia bloom, so use the shape and color of the flowers, the texture of the stem and the seed pods for identification
- opens hearts -
Bobinsana is considered in the Peruvian Amazon as a master or teacher plant and is also known for its healing properties
This plant is one of the additional ingredients sometimes added to the Amazonian brew to encourage openness of heart
- protection and spiritual power -
Bobinsana is known as a gentle spirit that heals and opens the heart. Besides, it helps to build empathy, compassion, mental clarity and concentration. Therefore, it deepens our connection to nature and initiates feelings of unity and unconditional love. Bobinsana also communicates and teaches by creating colorful and lucid dreams
- Bobbinsna as part of La Dieta -
?What is the Master Plant Diet and how does it work?
A master diet, sometimes referred to as a shamanic diet, is a complex and strict nutritional system through which a master plant conveys healing, protection, guidance and knowledge on a spiritual level to the participant
Amazonian healers have traditionally used fasting, a diet of master plants and seclusion from others to seek guidance from the plant spirits and to gain the essential knowledge needed to heal themselves and others
A diet of teacher plants is central to shamanic medicine apprenticeships, with diets that can last months and sometimes years
As a master herb, Bobinsana is traditionally used in the third or fourth phase of the diet. In these difficult stages she is appreciated for the physical and spiritual strength she gives. Bobinsana brings with it protection and guarding
Such protection is necessary against the negative forces that pursue the healed and healers. Such powers come as much from nature as from other healers
Different plants are given to the participant in a strict order. Usually start with very purifying plants
Other plants traditionally used in the diet are
Mansoa alliacea (Ajo sacha)
Brunfelsia grandiflora (Chiriq sanango)
Maytenus krukovii (Chuchuhuasi)
Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw)
Bubinsana and various calliandra species are used as snaf rapa and as additives to cocoa and pulco drinks (Aztec agave drink)
Among other uses, the Shipibo Conibo people of the Ucali region of Peru use the plant to treat arthritis, bone pain, rheumatism, uterine cancer, edema, nasal congestion, fever, colds, inflammation, and blood purification. They also bathe in the ground bark of the root to improve their physical dexterity, increase resistance to disease and protect against colds and chills
In South America, a decoction of the entire plant (leaves, stems, branches and flowers) is prepared as a general tonic for strength and energy
Buvinsana is even traditionally used as a contraceptive in Peru. However, there is no research to confirm its effectiveness. Those who want to get pregnant should probably not use it