green path

On the botanical sect of Mimosa hostilis

On the botanical sect of Mimosa hostilis

In a dizzying time of change, belief systems play a central role in establishing structures of meaning. They allow individuals to attribute meaning to existence and to be part of...

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The pharmacognosy of Mimosa hostilis

The pharmacognosy of Mimosa hostilis

What is pharmacognosy? Pharmacognosy is a fancy word, coined by the German botanist Seidler, to describe the study of chemical compounds that can be derived from natural sources. He focuses...

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Atropa belladonna - the twilight of sleep and deadly nightshade

Atropa belladonna - the twilight of sleep and deadly nightshade

Belladonna is many things: A deadly poison, a powerful medicine, a plot device in ancient and modern literature and the ultimate witch's herb. It is so beloved of the devil...

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The screaming mandrake

The screaming mandrake

The screaming aunt . Belonging to the nightshade family and found in the Mediterranean region, Mandrake has been known for centuries as one of the most powerful and active of...

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The Strange Case of TEONANACATL

The Strange Case of TEONANACATL

History of Old World usage Teonanacatl The flesh of the gods in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs Historians from the 16th century reported how the flesh of the gods...

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